Sara Twister
KC Fairgrounds
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Sara Twister

Date: Aug 16 - Aug 25, 2024

Born in India and raised in 4 Continents, Sara Schmidt a.k.a “Sara Twister” couldn’t really say where she comes from either. What one COULD say however, is that becoming a globe-trotting professional attention-seeker one day, was entirely inevitable.

Some call it destiny, she would call it being a middle child of 7 siblings with a SERIOUS need for attention ;).

After a whole lot of wilful determination and focused training in the art of contortion at circus schools both in Brazil and Germany, her career began as a multi-skilled circus-artist performing at high-end Galas, Corporate Events, Variety, and Dinner-shows with her world-class acts, both solo and as part of large-scale productions.

And the challenges got harder and the dreams grew greater…

To become the Entertainer she is today, Sara spent the next years focusing on the art of “street-performing”, learning to attract and truly engage large audiences in the most authentic circumstances, as well as dedicate her circus practice to achieving what she would refer to as the “impossible thing”, otherwise known as the art of “acrobatic-archery”.

With one target in mind.

In the summer of 2015, she added another string to her bow by combining this knowledge and expertise in the creation of her very own solo show Ready . Aim. Fire, an archery show like no other, with which according to plan, she has begun to take over the world.

And so it began…

She is now twisting her way across stages worldwide as a regular on the global busking festival circuit and highly sought after Entertainer for corporate events, gaining attention on popular television shows, and is currently based wherever her bow is .

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