YQCA & Vet Talk
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YQCA & Vet Talk

All YSSS exhibitors will be required to complete the quality assurance training through YQCA (Youth for the Quality Care of Animals) PRIOR TO ONLINE ENTRY.

**You must consent to data sharing for your certification to be verified**

Trainings are based on your age, so you do NOT need to wait for your last year's certificate to expire in order to take your current year's training. Please email help@yqcaprogram.org if you are having trouble getting to your training.

Visit YQCAProgram.org to register and complete the training online.

Health Concerns

If you have health concerns about your exhibiting animal, please fill out this form and the vet can review your circumstance for guidance. Include your name, contact information, brief description and appropriate photos to aid in the vet's consideration. (For best results, please include a full body photo as well as a photo centralized around the area of concern.)
This submission is simply for the vet's guidance on what you might be able to do in certain situations concerning your animal's health. Any response is not a confirmation of approval nor denial from exhibiting at the fair. If you have an emergency, please contact your local veterinarian for immediate assistance.

More information on Biosecurity for your livestock

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